
wradlib.vis.plot_ppi_crosshair(site, ranges, angles=None, proj=None, elev=0.0, ax=None, **kwargs)

Plots a Crosshair for a Plan Position Indicator (PPI).

  • site (tuple) – Tuple of coordinates of the radar site. If proj is not used, this simply becomes the offset for the origin of the coordinate system. If proj is used, values must be given as (longitude, latitude, altitude) tuple of geographical coordinates.
  • ranges (list) – List of ranges, for which range circles should be drawn. If proj is None arbitrary units may be used (such that they fit with the underlying PPI plot. Otherwise the ranges must be given in meters.
  • angles (list) – List of angles (in degrees) for which straight lines should be drawn. These lines will be drawn starting from the center and until the largest range.
  • proj (osr spatial reference object) – GDAL OSR Spatial Reference Object describing projection The function will calculate lines and circles according to georeferenced coordinates taking beam propagation, earth’s curvature and scale effects due to projection into account. Depending on the projection, crosshair lines might not be straight and range circles might appear elliptical (also check if the aspect of the axes might not also be responsible for this).
  • elev (float or array of same shape as az) – Elevation angle of the scan or individual azimuths. May improve georeferencing coordinates for larger elevation angles.
  • ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes) – If given, the crosshair will be plotted into this axes object. If None matplotlib’s current axes (function gca()) concept will be used to determine the axes.
Keyword Arguments:
  • line (dict) – dictionary, which will be passed to the crosshair line objects using the standard keyword inheritance mechanism. If not given defaults will be used.
  • circle (dict) – dictionary, which will be passed to the range circle line objects using the standard keyword inheritance mechanism. If not given defaults will be used.

See also

plot_ppi - plotting a PPI in cartesian coordinates

Returns:ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes) – The axes object into which the PPI was plotted


See Quick-view a sweep in polar or cartesian reference systems.