
CfRadial.assign_data_radial2(nch, **kwargs)

Assign from CfRadial2 data structure.

nch : NetCDF4File object

Keyword Arguments:
  • decode_times (bool) – If True, decode cf times to np.datetime64. Defaults to True.
  • decode_coords (bool) – If True, use the ‘coordinates’ attribute on variable to assign coordinates. Defaults to True.
  • mask_and_scale (bool) – If True, lazily scale (using scale_factor and add_offset) and mask (using _FillValue). Defaults to True.
  • chunks (int | dict, optional) – If chunks is provided, it used to load the new dataset into dask arrays. chunks={} loads the dataset with dask using a single chunk for all arrays.
  • georef (bool) – If True, adds 2D AEQD x,y,z-coordinates, ground_range (gr) and 2D (rays,bins)-coordinates for easy georeferencing (eg. cartopy)
  • dim0 (str) –
    name of the ray-dimension of DataArrays and Dataset:
    • time - cfradial2 standard
    • azimuth - better for working with xarray