
wradlib.io.iris.read_iris(filename, loaddata=True, rawdata=False, debug=False, **kwargs)

Read Iris file and return dictionary.

  • filename (str) – Filename of data file.
  • loaddata (bool | kwdict) –

    If true, retrieves whole data section from file. If false, retrievs only ingest_data_headers, but no data. If kwdict, retrieves according to given kwdict:

    loaddata = {'moment': ['DB_DBZ', 'DB_VEL'],
                'sweep': [1, 3, 9]}
  • rawdata (bool) – If true, returns raw unconverted/undecoded data.
  • debug (bool) – If true, print debug messages.

data (OrderedDict) – Dictionary with data and metadata retrieved from file.