
wradlib.georef.projection.reproject(*args, **kwargs)

Transform coordinates from a source projection to a target projection.

Call signatures:

reproject(C, **kwargs)
reproject(X, Y, **kwargs)
reproject(X, Y, Z, **kwargs)

C is the np array of source coordinates. X, Y and Z specify arrays of x, y, and z coordinate values

Keyword Arguments:
  • projection_source (osr object) – defaults to EPSG(4326)
  • projection_target (osr object) – defaults to EPSG(4326)
  • area_of_interest (tuple) – tuple of floats (WestLongitudeDeg, SouthLatitudeDeg, EastLongitudeDeg,
  • only gdal>=3 (dfNorthLatitudeDeg),) –

  • trans (numpy.ndarray) – Array of reprojected coordinates x,y (…,2) or x,y,z (…,3) depending on input array.
  • X, Y (numpy.ndarray) – Arrays of reprojected x,y coordinates, shape depending on input array
  • X, Y, Z (numpy.ndarray) – Arrays of reprojected x,y,z coordinates, shape depending on input array


See Example for georeferencing a radar dataset.